Worklio Harnesses Modern Technology to Improve Your Business
It used to be that humans carried everything. Then someone invented the wheel. For centuries, people ate berries. Then came fire. Words were chiseled into stone tables, then written on papyrus and finally printed by Gutenberg.
So it goes with the contemporary world: Technology is moving things so quickly that it is sometimes hard to realize how our lives have been changed since only a few years ago.
Worklio represents a new era for the PEO and ASO industry because Worklio is introducing the technology that will forever disrupt the status quo — in a good way.
Worklio is a modern platform that will move your company into the new age of technology. No more paperwork. No need for physical signatures. Everything is connected.
There are three ways that Worklio uses the latest in technology.
- Software-as-a-Service (SaaS)
- Cloud computing
- Security
All three are connected. All three make your company more efficient.
Not long ago, businesses needed to install software on individual computers and keep racks of servers for data storage. Software-as-a-Service is the new way. You can keep everything on the premises, but now software is provided through the internet, data is stored in the cloud, and everything is secure.
Worklio is a SaaS company that maintains a comprehensive company-management platform for client companies to use. Worklio keeps up with technology trends. And Worklio keeps all of the data available and safe.
You simply go to an internet browser and log on. The platform is accessible from anywhere with an internet connection, including through Android, iOS, and Microsoft mobile apps. Documents can even be signed from the beach.
The normal functions of a business are faster and more efficient because of the SaaS system. The entire company shares resources. Paperwork is digitized. Repetitive tasks are consolidated. General emails are automated. Attendance and time off data is connected, so the regular payroll run is a turn-key operation. The initial set up and migration of company data is efficient and smooth, with safeguards for missing information. The learning curve is gradual because of the logical interface. The platform is scalable so that it grows as your company grows. Management has tools to keep tabs on employee tasks and activities.
Cloud Computing
SaaS systems exist because Cloud Computing enables solid and secure internet connections.
Cloud Computing is what eliminates the need to buy software and servers. It enables you to access Worklio from around the globe, via smart phones, tablets, laptops, and desktop computers — an internet connection provides access to anything on the system from any location and any time zone.
You are no longer bound to the office or traditional work hours.
Worklio exists in a private cloud so that all of your data is kept private and there are connections to the public cloud for updates on federal regulations, tax documents and other official paperwork.
In addition to freedom, Cloud Computing enables companies to store a huge amount of data. As you grow and data accumulates, you don’t need to add servers — the cloud absorbs it all.
SaaS systems and Cloud Computing are only possible because of security.
Worklio has a comprehensive security system similar to what banks employ. After all, money is being transferred from the company to vendors and employees, so the level of security must be the same. If you trust your debit card, then you can trust Worklio.
The Worklio security system is validated with ISO/IEC 27001:2013 certification. The International Organization for Standardization (ISO) maintains internationally respected standards for business and ISO 27001 provides requirements for an information security management system (ISMS) in order to enable organizations to manage the security of assets, such as financial information, intellectual property, employee details and information from third parties.
Worklio respects the security and quality of all of the data that customers provide and uses multi-layered encryption of the highest standard available. There is constant monitoring, both in-house and through third-party cybersecurity firms, which meets and exceeds the industry standard.
There is a stratified system of access rights to restrict the number of people who have access to client information. All changes are logged so that all data alterations can be recreated. Data is backed up regularly. It is kept in numerous physical locations, with N+1 or greater redundancy to establish resiliency for all components.